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Старый 25.08.2017, 00:12   #1  
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Navigate Into Success: Webinar: Invoking Azure Functions from AL in Visual Studio Code

Long time, no see, eh? Life and work sometimes kick in and that’s exactly what they did to me recently. I am not complaining, but I would have been happier, too, if I had been more active here.

Now that I am, in fact, here, let me announce the Invoking Azure Functions from AL in Visual Studio Code webinar that I will deliver next Tuesday, August 29, at 16:00, Central European Time.

This webinar, which is organized in cooperation with NAV-Skills, will cover the theory I scratched in my last blog post here, but will cover some more stuff. On top of a little more substance and structure than covered in my blog, it will also give you an opportunity to ask questions and make fun of me in front of an audience. Last opportunity for this before Directions US

So, grab your seat by registering here. It’s free, but even if it wasn’t, you should still be there. Don’t let me find you absent, you are not excused!

See you in the cloud!

Read this post at its original location at, or visit the original blog at 5e33c5f6cb90c441bd1f23d5b9eeca34The post Webinar: Invoking Azure Functions from AL in Visual Studio Code appeared first on

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