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axinthefield: Dynamics AX Event IDs
Источник: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/axinthefield...event-ids.aspx
============== Recently a fellow PFE compiled a list of the AX Event IDs with their description and a possible action. This post is intended to give end users a better idea of the messages generated by the AOS service within the Application Event Log within the Windows Event Viewer. If you are receiving messages, it may be necessary to contact the Dynamics AX Support Team at Microsoft for more assistance as this may be an indication of more serious troubles in the system. Error and Warning Messages The messages in the following table can be informational only, but often are a result of an issue within the Dynamics AX application. They do may require user action. ID Message text Description Action 103 Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 – The control handler not installed The Microsoft Dynamics AX Server Manager could not initialize the control handler. Can be caused by failed system setup. The registration of the AOS in the registry might be missing or is not valid. Recover a registry backup or reinstall the AOS. 104 Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 – Initialization process failed The Microsoft Dynamics AX Server Manager could not complete the initialization process. Can be caused by resource shortage. Verify that system resources are at an acceptable level for the AOS Windows service to run. 106 Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 – Bad request The Microsoft Dynamics AX Server Manager has received an unsupported control request. Use the Server Manager control panel to control the Server Manager and each AOS. 107 Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 – Debug information: %2 This event is used to issue debug information from Microsoft Dynamics AX. Debug events are used for tracking the source of other events, so no general action can be specified. 113 Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 – Attempt to delete print window in non-server mode Tracing event for internal Microsoft Dynamics AX error. If this error is connected to a given action and is reproducible, report it as an error. 115 Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 – Attempt to print in non-server mode Tracing event for internal Microsoft Dynamics AX error. If this error is connected to a given action and is reproducible, report it as an error. 116 Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 – Attempting to call pause in non-server mode Tracing event for Microsoft Dynamics AX error. System method pause() used inappropriately within X++ code. Avoid using the Pause() method or limit it to client-only code. 117 Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 – Database error Database error has occurred. The message body will specify the error message and the session/User ID causing the error. Check the database server for additional errors or correct the code causing it. 118 Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 – WinSock initialization error AOS Performance Monitor Counters could not establish a connection to the server manager. Start the AX Server Manager using the Windows Control Panel. 119 Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 – Establishing computer name failed AOS Performance Monitor Counters could not establish the name of the computer. Check the network setup of the local computer and verify the server name. 120 Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 – Establishing DNS name of the computer failed AOS Performance Monitor Counters could not establish the DNS name of the local computer. Check the network setup of the local computer and verify the server name. 121 Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 – Connection to Server Manager could not be established AOS Performance Monitor Counters could not connect to the Server Manager. Start the Server Manager using the Windows Control Panel if it is not running. To correct an incorrect port, add the AOCP/TCP entry to the ETC/SERVICES file, and then restart both Server Manager and Performance Monitor. 122 Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 – Socket could not be created AOS Performance Monitor Counters could not create the needed socket. Check the network setup of the local computer and verify that resources are sufficient for Windows Sockets to work. 123 Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 – Registry entry could not be opened AOS Performance Monitor Counters could not open the registry keys describing the performance counters for Microsoft Dynamics AX. Verify that performance counters work. If they do, check the registry key for SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Axapta Object Server\Performance or "SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\Axapta COM Connector\\Performance". If they are present, be sure that the AOS account has full privileges to these keys. If they are not present, recover a registry backup or reinstall the AOS. 124 Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 – Failed to open First Counter for Performance Monitor AOS Performance Monitor Counters could not locate needed registry entry. Recover a registry backup or reinstall the AOS to correctly initialize the registry. 125 Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 – Failed to open First Help for Performance Monitor AOS Performance Monitor Counters could not locate needed registry entry Recover a registry backup or reinstall the AOS to correctly initialize the registry. 126 Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 – Cannot connect to Server Manager AOS could not connect to the local Microsoft Dynamics AX Server Manager and identify it. Start the Server Manager using the Windows Control Panel. 127 Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 – Error in server thread for user The session for the specified user has been terminated due to an exception. Check the AOS event log for surrounding events and react according to those events. 128 Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 – Error in server thread A session on the server has been shut down due to an exception. It was not possible to establish which user owned the session. Check the AOS event log for surrounding events and react according to those events. 131 Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 – Failed to stop Application Object Server The AOS did not stop upon the request from the Server Manager. The Server Manager is not allowed to end the process. This can occur when the AOS is not started from the Server Manager. This results in different security contexts that will not allow the Server Manager to stop the AOS. 132 Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 – Server Manager could not be started The Server Manager could not correctly be initialized, and therefore, cannot run. Check the event log for other events describing the situation and react according to those events. 135 Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 – User disconnected during startup A user was disconnected by the AOS prior to successfully logging in. This normally indicates a client problem. 136 Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 – User disconnected abnormally A user disconnected without signing out correctly. This normally indicates a client problem. 137 Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 – User disconnected abnormally during startup A user disconnected while still not correctly identified. This normally indicates a client problem. 138 Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 – Application Object Server stopped The Server Manager successfully launched the named AOS. The AOS will be completely operational after the EVMSG_AOSREADY (149) message appears. 139 Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 – Failed to initialize Message System The kernel message system could not be correctly initialized so the AOS cannot be started. Be sure that the file mentioned in the body of the event is available, and that. sufficient access rights are granted so that the file can be processed. 140 Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 – Database login failed The AOS could not log in to the database. This event contains the error message issued by the database server when Microsoft Dynamics AX tried to log in. The event log will also contain an event EVMSG_SQL_DIAGNOSTICS (163) that specifies the parameters used to establish the connection. Review these and correct the Microsoft Dynamics AX configuration, ODBC setup or database security. 141 Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 – Reindexing is in progress The Microsoft Dynamics AX process is reindexing one of the needed files. This event will be followed by the event EVMSG_UTIL_REINDEX_DONE (146) stating that this reindexing operation is done. The time elapsed between these two events could indicate disk inefficiencies. 142 Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 – Directory not found The specified directory could not be found. Verify that the AOS configuration specifies the correct Microsoft Dynamics AX system directory and that the AOS user account can access this path. Note: Drive letters cannot be used by an AOS configuration to access network resources. 143 Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 – Required directory not found The specified system directory does not contain required subdirectory. Verify that the AOS configuration specifies the correct Microsoft Dynamics AX system directory and that the directory stated in the body of the event is present and accessible. 144 Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 – Error accessing registry An operation accessing the system registry failed. This event could indicate a missing or failed installation of Microsoft Dynamics AX. Access rights might be assigned incorrectly in the registry. 146 Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 – Reindexing completed The Microsoft Dynamics AX process finished reindexing one of the needed files. This event will follow the event EVMSG_UTIL_REINDEX (141) stating that this reindexing operation started. 147 Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 – Client connection closed The connection to the Microsoft Dynamics AX client was disrupted during a communication process. This is normally caused by disrupted network services or client connectivity problems. If the problem occurs for multiple clients, check server connectivity. 148 Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 – Client login validation failed The Windows security system rejected the logon for the client user. If domain authentication is required for client users, validate that the client computer is correctly logged on to the Windows domain. 149 Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 – AOS is in ready state The AOS is fully initialized and ready to service clients. Contains information about the configuration of the environment. 150 Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 – Thread created. This event is issued as a tracing mechanism for which thread is allocated to which session. This event is used as a supplement to other events when tracing session or thread specific problems. 151 Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 – Internal AOCP revision mismatch The AOS received a request for service from an incorrect client version. Indicates a version mismatch between the client and the server. The client might be running a different version or service pack level. The client might have contacted the incorrect server. Update the client software version or change the client configuration. 152 Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 – I/O error Microsoft Dynamics AX experienced a low level or logical file error. This event indicates the name of the file, error and cause. File errors are usually caused by malfunctioning hardware. Try locating the files on a different drive and if the error persists, restore a backup. 153 Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 – Forcing termination through the Server Manager The AOS instance did not shut down within a reasonable amount of time so the Server Manager forced the process to shut down. Check the event log for probable causes. 154 Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 – Shutting down due to idle timeout The AOS instance shut down after being idle for the configured interval. To change this behavior, change shutdown settings on the Server tab of the instance settings. 164 Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 – Call attempt without client connection The session on the AOS tried to issue a call to a client-bound method without having a client available. When coding clientless functionality, client-bound calls must be prohibited. This is only available within the Microsoft Dynamics AX Benchmark Tool. 165 Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 – Security failure An error occurred while trying to authenticate computers and/or users. The event body contains information about the kind of error, the type, the severity, and the operation within which the error occurred. Most security errors occur when the client and the server are not under sufficient domain control. If the AOS is servicing clients from outside its own domain, validation errors will occur. Verify AOS settings controlling the use of Windows Authentication, the validity of the domain setup and availability of domain controllers. 167 Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 – Active Directory integration failed The AOS failed to publish itself to Active Directory. Check Active Directory setup and access rights according to the error message included in the event body. 168 Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 – Failed to create a file Microsoft Dynamics AX failed to create a file. Check the availability of the directory contained in the event body. 170 Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 – Administrative connect from remote host rejected. The Microsoft Dynamics AX Server Manager on the computer is configured to reject administrative connection requests from remote computers. This is used to improve security in ASP setups and is documented as [part of the ASP setup instructions. 171 Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 – Client did not complete connection in a timely manner Reports problem connecting a client due to missing response from client. This can be caused by network problems, interrupted startup of a client or wrong type of client software. This event will occur when a non-Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 client tries to connect to the AOS connection point. This will be the case for port-pollers and other software used to interrogate networks which could be signs of hostile attacks on the system. Use the address of the client to validate and troubleshoot connection problems. 173 Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 – Unexpected failure Issued as the consequence of an unrecoverable exception in the client session. Event log will include other messages that describe the exception. Investigate surrounding events in the event log and the concurrent entries in the IIS log to establish a possible cause. 174 Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 – No license code is present Issued when Microsoft Dynamics AX recognizes that it is running against a database backend for which no license code is present in the Microsoft Dynamics AX license. Enter the correct license code for the database. 175 Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 – License error Issued in relation to Microsoft Dynamics AX license verification difficulties. Problems reported as license errors will prevent the system from starting. Review the content of the event body to determine proper action. In most cases, you must either change the configuration or enter correct license codes. 176 Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 – Diagnostics information This event is issued by Microsoft Dynamics AX for diagnostics. Content should be provided to Microsoft upon request. 178 Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 – Performance information This event is issued by Microsoft Dynamics AX for performance diagnostics. Indicates that an event might affect system performance. If this event occurs regularly, the performance of the system should be assessed. 179 Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 – Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 fatal error Microsoft Dynamics AX encountered a fatal (non-recoverable) error. The system will stop. The AOS will restart automatically. Review the event log for preceding events to help determine the cause. 180 Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 – Protocol error in RPC Protocol error detected in RPC. Either the network transport has corrupted the package in a non-detectable way or the package was not valid when it left the other tier. Network problems can also result in a significant loss of connection. Identify whether the problem occurs randomly or in relation to specific operations. 181 Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 – RPC Connection error Error detected on the network connection to the Microsoft Dynamics AX client. Connection errors are usually caused by either client disruption (crash, shutdown, etc.) or by network connectivity failures. Recurring connection errors indicate that you may need to adjust TCP parameters for the client. Informational messages The messages in the following table are informational only. They do not require user action. ID Message text Description 105 Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 – Server Manager has started The Microsoft Dynamics AX Server Manager has started. 108 Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 – Server stopped The Microsoft Dynamics AX Application Object Server has stopped. 110 Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 – Trace message General event message used for tracing cause for other events. 129 Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 – Application Object Server connected An AOS started and was successfully connected to the Server Manager. 130 Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 – Starting Application Object Server The Server Manager has begun startup of the named AOS. 133 Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 – User connected A user was successfully connected to the AOS. The event specifies the user ID, session number and the assigned thread. 134 Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 – User disconnected A user was disconnected from the AOS. The event specifies the user ID, session number and the assigned thread. 163 Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 – SQL diagnostics message This event provides diagnostics information for the Microsoft Dynamics AX SQL engine. 166 Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 – Active Directory publishing succeeded The AOS successfully published itself to Active Directory. 169 Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 – System information dump This event contains dump information that describes the state of the system. It is used for tracing and diagnostics purposes. 172 Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 – Business Connector started Issued by Business Connector when started. Shows details about the created context, process, etc. 182 Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 – Session manager error Error detected while creating user session. 183 Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 – Update conflict detected Update conflict detected when optimistic concurrency control is enabled. 184 Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 – Operating system is not supported The AOS is running on an unsupported operating system. Источник: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/axinthefield...event-ids.aspx
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