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Старый 19.01.2018, 12:11   #1  
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alirazazaidi: How to apply application hot fix on Dynamics 365 for finance and operations

Hi a couple of days ago, I got chance to apply application hot fixes required to apply on cloud dev environment.

So I made this very short post.

First Step:

Check in all changes in TFS and make sure no error in AOT.

Second step:

You need to download hot fix from LCS.

Third Step:

To download vm RDP file and credential from LCS and login in VM.

Fourth step:

Open visual studio with run as admin.

Then from Dynamics 365 menu click on addins and from contex menu click on hot fix.

fifth Step:

Extract the zip file and extract the hot fix file and load into dialog. Also set TFS settings.

Apply And in couple of second patch is applied

Sixth Step:

After path applied, Synchronization database from Dynamics 365 menu.

Seventh Step:

Check all compile model, Make sure that all models are check in.

Eighth Step:

Resolve error in the case errors occurs,

In my case no error occurs.

9th step:

Check in everything into TFS with hot fix name in comments.

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