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Старый 28.12.2014, 20:11   #1  
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kurthatlevik: New DAX 2012 R3 CU8 Global Retail codeplex solution available

Hi friends.

I’m happy to announce the first release of a new free codeplex solution; Global Retail.

The solution covers:
  1. Global Product price templates – The ability to assign a price template to a product, that will quickly enable retail prices available in different countries and currencies.
  2. Global Product pricing – The ability to set recommended retail prices directly on products. Global prices are posted in price journals to price agreements in all legal entities.
  3. Global Product barcodes – Assign and maintain product barcodes, and it will automatically synchronize to all legal entities.
  4. Simplified Product translations and simplified local pricing screen. Multi dimensional retail hierarchies for filtering, search and availability. Full price log and the use of case management for price change processes.
  5. Simplified file import and export of products, retail hierarchies, barcodes, prices, translations, availability, counting journals. (Excel, csv, xml)
Take a look here > (more documentation will come later)

PS! This is the real-deal !

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