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Старый 20.11.2024, 11:11   #1  
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goshoom: Run settings for SysTest

When you execute automated tests of X++ code with SysTest, the test service (SysTestService class) gets called with some parameters, defined in SysTestRunnerSettings:

You could, for example, set granularity to execute just unit tests and skip integration tests, or produce a trace file for diagnostics.

You may want to use such parameters in automatic processes (e.g. running certain types of tests on gated builds) or directly in Visual Studio.

Visual Studio supports such configuration with .runsettings files (see Configure unit tests by using a .runsettings file). In Visual Studio, you can create a .runsettings file (which is a simple XML file), put it to your solution directory and it’ll be used automatically when running tests from Text Explorer. You can also select a particular file in Test > Configure Run Settings.

I wondered if the same approach can be used for SysTest parameters and it can indeed, you just need to put these parameters into SysTest element (and you must know the correct property names).

</span span class="re0"version/span=span class="st0""1.0"/span span class="re0"encoding/span=span class="st0""utf-8"/spanspan class="re2"?></span> </span> </span>false</span> </span>c:\temp\TestTrace.txt</span> </span></span>

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