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dynamicsaxtraining: Sales by attributes workspace

The Sales by attributes workspace shows sales information (amounts, profit, quantity) per Hierarchy, Category, and Attributes.

Slice sales data (sales, profit, quantities) by hierarchies, categories, attributes:
  • Select Contoso online hierarchy, Electronics category in the Hierarchy, Category field.
  • The Categories fact box shows that the Electronics category contains 34 categories (Electronics included), and Attributes fact box shows that there are 46 attributes (in Electronics category and all child categories).
  • The USRT company has transactions in 2015, so select 1/1/2015 and 12/31/2015 in the Period field and click Ok.
  • The Sales chart will be updated with sales data. It includes all items from the Electronics category.
  • To view accumulated data on the chart, click the Balance checkbox.
  • In the Show field another measure can be selected, there are Sales, Gross profit margin, Quantity values.
  • Let’s select another Audio > Headphones category in the Hierarchy, Category field and clear the Balance checkbox.
  • The Sales chart will be updated with sales data. It includes all items from the Headphones category. Attributes that are assigned to the Headphones category appear automatically on the search pane.
  • Let’s filter sales data by product attributes:
    • Bluetooth = Yes,
    • Brand = Proseware,
    • Connector = Mini USB
  • The Sales chart will be updated an include items from the Headphones category, with Bluetooth, Proseware brand and mini USB.
The chart is clickable, when click on the chart on certain date the source data (customer transactions) will be shown:

The post Sales by attributes workspace first appeared on Dynamics AX Training.

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